Support an 8 Bit Mind..
I’ve set up a Patreon to try to defray some of the costs with hosting and running an8bitmind. I hope to be doing more with this, but to do so, I do need help.
Here are the monthly goals:
Additional Game of the Week/Blast From the Past review.
At this level, I will add an additional game review, be it a current release or an older game, to the site weekly.
Additional Twitch Stream weekly
I will run two 6-hour twitch streams weekly, instead of 1.
Daily twitch streams
I will run a daily twitch stream (Hours may vary)
No ads
I will run without any Google AdSense on the page. No ads.
Full-time job
At this level, I will make this my full time job, use the money raised to buy new and better streaming equipment, and really kick this into gear.
daily updates and weekly twitch streams!
Here arethe pledge levels
Pledge $2.00 or more per month
Pledge $5.00 or more per month
Pledge $10.00 or more per month
Pledge $20.00 or more per month
Pledge $50.00 or more per month (Limit of 5)